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Cell Therapy New Hampshire

Constant aches and pains aren’t just an inconvenience. Chronic pain can greatly affect an individual’s quality of life.  The physical effects of chronic pain can  include limited mobility, poor appetite, and lack of energy. Because of these symptoms, those suffering from chronic pain may find it difficult to perform daily tasks or take part in activities they enjoy. This could lead to depression and anxiety.

To find lasting relief, many resort to surgery. However, thanks to advancements in regenerative medicine, chronic pain patients now have a noninvasive alternative— cell therapy.

Cellular Treatment For Chronic Pain

Regenerative medicine is a field that aims to develop ways to replace, regenerate, or replace human cells. A relatively new treatment under the umbrella of regenerative medicine involves human cells.

Some of the body’s cells have the potential to become any other type of cell. These can then be used to help repair damaged tissues. In cell therapy treatment, your regenerative cells are injected into the affected area and that helps with healing and pain.

A significant body of research suggests that cellular therapies are highly effective at treating conditions such as chronic pain. These methods can help repair injuries and address musculoskeletal conditions.

Boston Applied Biologics: A Center of Excellence in Regenerative Medicine

New Hampshire residents looking for long-term relief from chronic pain can turn to Boston Applied Biologics. We are a regenerative medicine center located in Framingham, MA—less than a two-hour drive away from New Hampshire.

At our clinic, our goal is to provide chronic pain patients with outpatient, cell-based, and minimally invasive treatments. Our team has more than 20 years of experience in treating chronic pain.

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Potential Benefits Of Our Cell-Based Treatments

With the help of our state-of-the-art cell therapy, people living with chronic pain can greatly improve their quality of life. Apart from reducing physical discomfort, our cell treatments can increase your body’s range of motion and flexibility. You may be able to perform your daily tasks and take part in physical activities once again.

In addition, our cell therapy treatment delays or even eliminates the need for prescription medication, surgery, or long-term physical therapy. You could be pain-free using nothing but your body’s own natural healing ability.

Our cell treatments are highly versatile. They can be used for:

  • Knee Pain
  • Hip and Thigh Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Ankle and Foot Pain
  • Elbow Pain
  • Spine and Back Pain
  • Tendon and Muscle Pain
  • Wrist and Hand Pain

Compared to surgery, recovery time after a cellular therapy treatment is minimal. Also, because your own cells are used, you can be confident that our treatments are safe and the injected cells will not be rejected by your body.

What To Expect After Cell Therapy?

After cell therapy, you may feel a little sore at the injection site at first. Over time, cells at the treated site will regenerate. You should notice a gradual yet significant improvement in your symptoms.

Our Unique Approach To Regenerative Medicine

At Boston Applied Biologics, we utilize a three-pronged approach to cellular therapy. Our “healing trinity” consists of:

  • Bone Marrow Aspirate

The highest concentration of cells useful to the procedure occurs in the bone marrow. To harvest these cells, we collect bone marrow from your hip using a tiny needle. The procedure is performed with a local anesthetic to minimize your discomfort. To ensure accuracy, we use ultrasound or X-ray fluoroscopy technology.

We take the bone marrow and separate the cells from non-useful substances. Afterward, we inject it into the site of pain or tissue damage.

  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

We will centrifuge a small amount of your blood to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The platelets contain proteins that support cell growth and signal factors that activate cells. We inject the PRP into damaged tissue, stimulating the growth of new, healthy cells.

Depending on your needs and wellness goals, we may recommend all three treatments. We may also combine cell treatment therapy with shock wave therapy, oral cytokines, or supplements.

Enjoy Life Again With Help From Our Cell Therapy

Don’t let chronic pain stop you from living your best life. Our cell therapy harnesses the body’s innate healing ability to repair damaged tissue. It addresses the root cause of chronic pain without the need for prescription medication, surgery, or implants.

Reach out to us at Boston Applied Biologics to schedule a consultation. We will determine whether you are a good candidate for cell therapy treatments. New Hampshire locals may also complete a quick online form, and one of our representatives will get back to you.

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