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How REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CAN relieve your joint, Muscle and tendon pain

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Who Are We?

a center of medical excellence

We are a center of medical excellence for advanced cellular repair and other cell-based therapy for the treatment of joint and musculoskeletal problems, as well as common orthopedic injuries and joint and spine conditions.

All of our minimally invasive outpatient treatments have the goal of regenerating cells, alleviating pain, improving function and ultimately reducing or eliminating our patients’ suffering. We provide the latest cutting-edge and low-risk alternatives to invasive surgeries, allowing our patients to avoid those associated risks and long recovery times.

Chronic Joint Pain.
Chronic Back Pain.
What's happening?

Generally, the aging process is what it is and the body’s ability to heal itself slows or becomes unable to repair damage. This is particularly relevant to our joints and back where there is a low blood supply and oxygen level, which prevent repairing stem cells reaching the affected areas. This is amplified with repetitive motion which further inhibits our healing mechanism and can happen at any age.

However, There Are Non-Surgical Medically Approved Solutions to Help… 

Avoid long and painful rehabilitation and avoid the risks of surgical complications and post-surgical pain. Harness the power of your body’s innate healing to repair and regenerate.

The physicians at Boston Applied Biologics have more than 20 years of experience treating and alleviating joint pain. We see and understand not only what is causing joint pain, but why it started.

 We focus on the “why” and have developed the leading, non-invasive, non-surgical solutions that use the body’s own natural healing process while at the same time, eliminating your downtime.


Find out if you are eligible for our treatments.

Is Orthobiological Cell Treatment Right For You?

There are many research studies show that cellular therapy and platelet rich plasma injections may provide excellent relief from joint and musculoskeletal pain and ongoing inflammation.

Conditions Treated


We Only Offer Treatments That Are FDA Allowed, And Backed By Scientific Studies, Published In Reputable Medical Journals.

Our Triple Board Certified Medical Director Trained In The Best Medical Training Institutions In The US.

We Have A Wide Range Of Orthobiological Medicine Treatments So We Can Personalize Your Treatment (e.g. Platelet Rich Plasma, Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate, Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, etc.)

We Process Your Cells With Safety And Use No Dangerous Chemicals Like Collagenase.

We Use Dynamic Guided Injections For Precision And Safety (Either Ultrasound Or Fluoroscopic X-Ray Guidance).

We Help Improve Your Body Functions With Proprietary Cytokines And Supplements So You Get The Best Possible Clinical Outcome.

We Continually Review the Literature To Improve and Refine Our Treatments.

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Guide to Stem Cell Therapy

The Quick Guide to Stem Cell Therapy

How Orthobiologic Therapy can relieve your joint, muscle and tendon pain without surgery so that you can get back to enjoying your life*